Viva Tips - IELTS (Part 4)
Academic Writing
In the IELTS Academic exam you are required to write two pieces of writing. The first is to describe a graph and the second is to write an essay. You have twenty minutes for task 1 and 40 minutes for task 2.
General Writing
In the General IELTS exam you are also required to complete two writing tasks. The first is to respond to a problem or situation using a letter. The second is to write a discussion style essay. You have twenty minutes for task 1 and 60 minutes for task 2.
Practice writing and ask a friend or your teacher to check. Ask them to not correct your mistakes but to highlight the type of mistake so that you can self correct.
Plan your writing. Just a few bullet points before you start writing will help you to format a good paragraph and will keep you writing on topic. The biggest mistake students make is not answering the question.
Look at sample IELTS writings. Compare a low score writing and a higher score. See if you can identify how they differ
Use a tool such as, Grammarly to correct your own grammar in your writing.